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10 Psychographic Characteristic Traits for Creating Persona Profiles

Updated: Jan 3

Creating persona profiles is a crucial step in any successful marketing strategy, and it all starts with understanding your target audience. While demographics like age and gender are important, psychographic characteristic traits help us dive deeper into the personality traits, values, attitudes, and motivations that define our potential customers.

Man creating a campaign on a laptop computer.
10 Psychographic Character Traits for Creating Persona Profiles

By creating detailed personas based on these psychographic characteristic traits, we can better tailor our messaging and offerings to meet their needs. In this article, we'll explore 10 key psychographic characteristics to consider when building persona profiles for your brand's target audience.

What Is a Psychographic Characteristic

According to Hot Jar, the psychographic method studies consumers based on their values, desires, goals, interests, and lifestyle choices. Unlike demographic data such as age or gender, psychographics provide insight into why a consumer makes specific choices. Marketers use this information to create more personalized marketing campaigns that resonate with their target audience.

1. What Are Their Personality Traits?

Personality traits are a fundamental component of any persona profile. This type of psychographic characteristic helps us understand what drives our target audience, and personality is at the core of that understanding.

When we think about personality traits, it's important to remember that everyone is unique. However, there are some common traits that tend to define certain groups of people. For example, introverts may be more reserved and introspective than extroverts who thrive on social interaction.

Other personality traits include openness to experience, conscientiousness, agreeableness, and neuroticism. Openness refers to an individual's willingness to embrace new ideas and experiences. Conscientious individuals tend to be organized and responsible while agreeable people prioritize harmony in relationships. All important aspects of psychographic characteristic traits essential for developing a persona profile.

2. What Are Their Values?

When creating persona profiles, it's important to understand the values of your target audience. This type of psychographic characteristic are beliefs or ideas that people hold dear and guide their behavior in various situations. Understanding these values can help enhance customer experience, help you tailor your marketing messages and products to align with what matters most to your audience.

One value that many people prioritize is honesty. They appreciate transparency and authenticity from companies they do business with, so it's important for brands to be truthful in their messaging and actions.

Another common value is family. People who prioritize this value tend to make decisions based on how they will impact their loved ones. Brands that recognize this can appeal to these individuals by emphasizing the ways their products or services can improve family life. Some people place a high value on personal growth and development. They may be interested in self-help books, online courses, or coaching programs that help them achieve their goals and become better versions of themselves.

By understanding the psychographic characteristic values of your target audience through research (e.g survey) , you'll be able to create content that resonates with them more effectively than if you were just guessing blindly about what they care about most.

3. What Are Their Attitudes?

When it comes to this psychographic characteristic, understanding the attitudes of your target audience is a valuable piece of information. Attitudes refer to a person's general outlook on life, and can include their opinions on various topics or issues. One important attitude to consider is whether a person has an optimistic or pessimistic outlook. Optimists tend to see the best in situations and believe that things will work out for the better, while pessimists may be more inclined to expect negative outcomes.

Another attitude that can affect persona profiles is a person's level of openness. Some people are naturally curious and enjoy new experiences, while others prefer routine and familiarity. Taking into account these different attitudes can help create more accurate persona profiles and ultimately lead to successful marketing strategies.

4. What Are Their Motivations?

Understanding the motivations of your target audience is crucial when it comes to creating effective persona profiles. This psychographic characteristic refers to the driving forces behind a person's behavior or actions. It could be an emotional, social, or even financial factor that influences their decisions.

Some people are motivated by success and achievement while others prioritize family and relationships. For some individuals, personal growth and development are at the forefront of their desires. Understanding these diverse motivations can help you create targeted messaging that resonates with your audience.

To identify the motivating factors for your target audience, conduct thorough research through surveys or focus groups. Once you have identified these key drivers, tailor your marketing efforts accordingly to connect with them on a deeper level.

5. What Type of Lifestyle Do They Have?

Understanding this psychographic characteristic type about your target audience is a crucial aspect when creating persona profiles. Lifestyle encompasses various aspects, including daily activities, hobbies, interests, and patterns of behavior.

On the other hand, if your target audience includes busy professionals with hectic schedules who prioritize convenience in their daily routine over leisurely pursuits like cooking from scratch or exercising regularly at a gym facility, then provide them with blogs about time-saving meal prep strategies and easy-to-do exercises they can fit into their day.

6. What Are They Passionate About?

When we talk about psychographic characteristic traits, it's important to understand what drives a person. One of the biggest factors is their passion – what they love and care deeply about. Some people are passionate about their career or business endeavors. They may be driven by success and achievement, constantly striving to improve their skills and knowledge in order to reach new heights.

Nature enthusiasts are another group who often have a deep-seated passion. Spending time outdoors, whether hiking through mountains or simply enjoying a walk in the park can provide an escape from daily life while also nurturing the soul. In short, people’s passions vary greatly but one thing is certain, understanding these psychographic characteristics is key when developing effective persona profiles that resonate with your target audience on an emotional level.

7. What Are Their Personal Goals?

When creating persona profiles, understanding the psychographic characteristic of personal goals about your target audience necessary as well. Personal goals can vary greatly from person to person and may include career aspirations, financial success, personal growth, or even travel experiences.

For some individuals, their personal goals may revolve around advancing their careers. They may aspire to climb the corporate ladder or start their own business. These individuals are typically driven by success and recognition in their field.

Financial success is another common personal goal for many people. They work hard to accumulate wealth and secure a stable financial future for themselves and their families. For these individuals, money serves as a means of achieving security and stability in life.

Personal growth is also an important goal for many people. They seek opportunities to learn new skills, develop talents or hobbies that interest them, or engage in activities that challenge them both mentally and physically.

8. What Are Their Priorities?

When it comes to understanding the psychographic characteristic traits of your target audience, knowing their priorities is crucial. Priorities can be defined as the things that people consider most important in their lives. These can range from work and career success to personal relationships, family life, hobbies, and health.

For some individuals, their main priority may be achieving financial stability or climbing up the corporate ladder while for others it could be spending quality time with loved ones or pursuing a passion project. It's important to note that priorities are not always static; they can change over time based on an individual's circumstances or experiences.

Understanding your audience's priorities can help you tailor your marketing efforts accordingly. For instance, if your product or service aligns with their top priorities - such as saving time or improving productivity - then highlighting these benefits in your messaging will likely resonate well with them.

When creating persona profiles for marketing purposes, identifying and prioritizing each group’s specific values helps businesses better understand how best to connect with them emotionally. Whether it’s through content creation or advertising campaigns – focusing on what matters most to a particular consumer group has never been more essential.

9. What Are Their Spiritual Beliefs?

Understanding the spiritual or religious beliefs of your target audience can provide valuable insights into this psychographic characteristic. Some individuals may strongly identify with a particular religion, while others may have more fluid spiritual beliefs that are influenced by personal experiences and values.

For some, spirituality or religion plays a significant role in shaping their worldview and guiding their decision-making process. These individuals may prioritize activities such as prayer or attending religious services as part of their regular routine.

Others may hold more secular views but still place value on concepts such as morality, kindness, and compassion. Understanding these individual's ethical frameworks can help you tailor messaging that resonates with them on a deeper level.

In contrast, some people may reject organized religion altogether and instead embrace alternative forms of spirituality or practice mindfulness techniques to foster personal growth and well-being. By acknowledging these differences in belief systems within your customer base, you can better understand how to connect with each group authentically.

10. What Are Their Political Beliefs?

When creating persona profiles, it's important to consider political beliefs as they can heavily influence a person's decision-making process. Psychographic characteristic traits like political beliefs refer to the values and ideologies an individual holds about government policies, laws, and regulations.

Some individuals may be politically conservative while others are liberal or moderate. Conservatives often prioritize personal responsibility, limited government intervention in the economy, and traditional family values. Liberals typically prioritize social justice issues such as equal rights for marginalized groups, environmental protections, and a more active role of government in addressing societal problems.


Understanding the psychographic characteristic traits of your target audience is crucial for creating effective persona profiles. By identifying their personality traits, values, attitudes, motivations, lifestyle, passions, personal goals and priorities, as well as their spiritual or religious beliefs and political opinions – you can create a comprehensive picture that guides your marketing strategy.

So take some time to conduct research into these psychographic characteristics for your target audience – it could make all the difference in building strong relationships with them and ultimately driving more conversions for your business.

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