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8 Key Steps to Create a Great Persona Template

Updated: Jan 3, 2024

A persona template is essential for any business. They help marketers and sales representatives to understand who their target audience is, what their needs and wants are, and how best to tailor content and messaging to them. Research shows that businesses with a customer centric philosophy are 60% more profitable than companies that are not customer centric.

People standing around with smiles.
8 Key Steps to Create a Great Persona Profile

Creating a great persona profile requires careful consideration of both qualitative and quantitative data points in order to build an accurate representation of the customer.

From defining objectives to gathering research, these steps will ensure that you have the information you need to take your marketing efforts to the next level. In this article, we will explore the 8 key fundamental considerations needed to create a great persona profile.

What is a Persona Template?

A persona profile is a research-based description of a fictional character that represents a real group of people. A persona profile helps businesses design products and marketing messages that appeal to specific groups of customers. 

According to Buyer Persona Institute, 44% of marketers create a persona profile for their business and an additional 29% will actually use them in the next 12 months.

To create a great persona profile, businesses should start by conducting market research to identify their target audience. They should then create a detailed description of their ideal customer, including information about their objectives, demographics, types of devices and platforms used, behaviors and interests to name a few.

Want to create your own persona profile like this one? Check out our free persona profile template resource on our home page and make it your own.

Graphic laying out a persona profile of an ideal customer.
Persona Profile Template

Once the persona profile is complete, businesses can use it as a guide to create content, products, and marketing campaigns that will resonates with their target audience.

Conduct Surveys to Collect Data

If you want to create an accurate persona profile, you need to collect data. The best way to do this is by conducting surveys with your target audience. Ask them questions about their needs, wants, and pain points. Find out how they make decisions and what factors influence their purchase decisions. 

Knowing your ideal audience can have a multitude of positive influence on your business. Buyer engagement studies found that using persona profiles led to a 100% increase in web page visits, a 900% increase in the length of website visits, and a 171% increase in marketing generated revenue.

The more data you have, the better. So don’t be afraid to ask a lot of questions. You can always use survey software to make the process easier and more streamlined.

Blue ad graphic with grid profile pictures of people

8 Key Fundamental Considerations When Developing a Persona Profile

1. Understand Your Persona's Objectives

As you develop your persona profile, it is important to keep their objectives in mind. What are they looking to achieve? What are their goals? Keep these objectives in mind as you develop your profile so that you can ensure your persona is on track to achieving their goals.

When you understand your persona's objectives, you can better develop content and strategies that will help them achieve their goals. You can also tailor your messaging to speak directly to their needs and pain points.

Keep their objectives top of mind as you develop your persona profile so that you can ensure you are creating a persona that will be successful in achieving their goals.

2. Define Your Persona's Demographics

When you're creating your persona, it's important to define their demographics. This includes information like their age, gender, location, and income. This data will help you better understand your persona profile and how they might interact with your product or service. 

Once you have this basic information, you can start to flesh out your persona by creating a detailed profile. This profile should include information like what their day-to-day looks like, what their motivations are, and what challenges they face.

By understanding these details, you can create a persona profile that feels real and relatable to your target audience.

3. Know What Platforms and Devices Your Persona Profile Uses

To create an effective persona profile, you need to know what platforms and devices your target audience uses. This will help you determine where to reach them and how to best communicate with them.

Think about the following:

  • What type of devices do they use?

  • What type of operating system do they use?

  • What are their preferred social media platforms?

  • What other platforms and apps do they use regularly?

Once you have a good understanding of the types of devices and platforms your persona uses, you can start creating content that is tailored to their needs and preferences.

Keep in mind that your persona may use multiple devices and platforms, so it's important to create a consistent experience across all of them.

4. Understand the Purchase Behaviors of Your Persona Profile

With the rise in inflation and economic uncertainty, there are many influences that determine your persona's purchasing behaviors. Knowing those influences are a critical component in creating accurate persona profiles that produce the best results.

Failure to accurately define your ideal customer can end up in wasted efforts, marketing spend, and can have a negative impact on your overall business objectives. In a recent study by Raydiant, they found that 56% of consumers prefer to shop online as opposed to 44% prefer to shop in-store.

Your persona's purchase behaviors are also dictated by their need for your product or service. In order to understand your persona's purchase behaviors, you must first understand their needs. To do this, you can use market research, surveys, interviews, and other data collection methods.

Once you have a good understanding of your persona's needs, you can start to understanding their purchase behaviors. Do they tend to purchase impulsively or do they take their time to research before making a decision? Are they price sensitive or are they willing to pay more for a higher quality product?

Understanding your persona's purchase behaviors is essential for creating an effective marketing and sales strategy.

If you know how your persona likes to buy, you can tailor your messaging and approach to fit their needs and maximize the likelihood of making a sale.

5. Find Out Your Persona's Location

When creating a persona profile, it's important to consider the location where your persona would live. This can be based on their lifestyle, occupation, or other factors.

For example, if your persona is a young professional, they may live in an urban area like New York City or Chicago. If your persona is retired, they may live in a more rural area like Florida or Arizona. Consider the climate, cost of living, and other factors when choosing a location for your persona.

Taking all of these factors into account can help you to create a well-rounded persona profile that takes into account not only the individual characteristics of your persona but also their environment and how it has influenced them.

6. Define Your Persona's Pain Points

Again, in today's economic climate, understanding what motivates your ideal customer's buying behaviors can have a tremendous positive impact on your bottom line. One way to capitalize on this concept is to know your persona profile's pain points are the problems and challenges they face in their lives.

According to a NielsenIQ report, consumers are increasingly cutting expenses to manage their budget, with 81% indicating they are making changes to their shopping habits. And that consumers feel less secure in their finances than they did several months ago:

  • 52% of consumers expressed insecurities in terms of economic stability.

  • 29% of consumers expressed insecurities in their ability to meet daily expenses.

  • 25% of consumers expressed insecurities in their household income level.

To identify your persona's pain points, you need to understand their goals, motivations, and challenges. Once you know what your persona is trying to accomplish, you can identify the obstacles that stand in their way and craft your content messaging to address them appropriately. 

Your persona's pain points can be divided into two categories: primary and secondary.

  1. Primary pain points are the main problems your persona is trying to solve.

  2. Secondary pain points are the obstacles that stand in the way of your persona solving their primary pain points.

To identify your persona's primary and secondary pain points, start by brainstorming a list of all the goals, motivations, and challenges your persona profile might have. 

Then, narrow down this list to the most important items. These are the items that are most likely to be causing pain for your persona.

Next, categorize each item as either a primary or secondary pain point. Once you've identified your persona's primary and secondary pain points, you can start developing solutions that address these issues. By addressing your persona's pain points, you'll be able to create a more valuable and user-friendly product or service.

7. Define Your Personas' Interests

Your persona's interests should be based on their needs and wants. What does your persona need to know? What do they want to learn? What are their goals?

Once you have a good understanding of what your persona is looking for, you can start to craft content that will be of interest to them.

Make sure to keep your persona's interests in mind when creating content. If they're not interested in what you're writing about, they're not going to read it. Write about topics that are relevant to your persona and their needs.

Keep your language clear and concise, and avoid jargon. Focus on providing value and helpful information that your persona can use.

8. Understand Your Persona's Job Details

It's important to understand the specific job details of your persona profile in order to create an accurate and complete profile. Here are some key points to consider:

  • What is the persona's job title?

  • What industry do they work in?

  • What are their primary responsibilities?

  • What skills and knowledge are required for the persona's job?

  • What are the persona's goals and objectives in their role?

  • What challenges does the persona face in their job?

  • How do they typically spend their day?

  • Who do they interact with as part of their job?

By understanding these key details about your persona's job, you can create a more comprehensive and realistic profile that will be useful for your marketing efforts.

Blue ad graphic with grid profile pictures of people


A persona profile can be an invaluable tool for any business. Not only do they help you understand your target audience better, but they also provide valuable insights into what the customer needs and how best to meet those needs.

By following the 8 key steps outlined in this article, you will be able to create a comprehensive persona profile that covers all of the essential information about your prospective customers and can serve as a roadmap for creating successful marketing strategies.

With this knowledge in hand, you'll be well on your way to making wise decisions regarding product development, messaging strategy, and more!

LDZ Digital

LDZ Digital provides Florida SEO and digital marketing services, education and consulting for small business owners and entrepreneurs looking for assistance with their digital marketing strategy.

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